
Why should I be an interim manager?

Graham Price by Graham Price in Article 2020-08-18 16:18:18

Have you worked for many years in your area of expertise? You have built up a huge reservoir of knowledge, a good network of fellow professionals and perhaps you have paid off your mortgage and are not quite so dependent on a regular pay cheque. You may feel that what you are doing is no longer fun and engaging.

Being an interim manager can be a hugely fulfilling role, and the reasons individuals become an interim are as many and varied the people that do so. Here are some of the reasons they have given to the Institute of Interim Management:


The majority of interim managers love the variety and chance to fill a number of roles. Job hopping, often seen as a poor indicator by employers is an advantage for the interim manager, who will quickly build up experience in a variety of assignments.


Interim managers enjoy flexibility of location, timing, type of assignment. They are able to choose whether to work or if finances permit to take a holiday. Although most interim managers will be looking for their next assignment before finishing the one in progress.

Redundancy or other employment exit

Redundancy is not normally a choice. What is a choice is whether to approach an interim assignment as an interim professional, or to seek a temporary Fixed-Term Contract (FTC) on the employer’s payroll.

Working for yourself

It can be liberating to “be your own boss”, and interim management will often place you inside an organisation, yet you retain your independence.

Financially lucrative

Generally assignments are well paid, but whether the market is good or bad, there is a higher risk associated with landing assignments even if the reward is potentially higher.

What makes you happy/fulfilled?

Individuals choose Interim management more for the lifestyle and mental challenges it offers than pure financial reasons.

In conclusion

If you have experience you want to share, want to try something new, and are confident you can react quickly and make a difference – why not give Interim Management a try!

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