
How to recruit an Interim Manager

Graham Price by Graham Price in Article 2020-08-28 14:24:14

Selecting the right interim manager is critical, there is no time to “bed in” and so the skills and cultural fit must be right from the beginning.

1. Build the business case

As with any other staffing decision you need to identify the need for a business manager. What is the issue that needs to be addressed, and what outcomes do you expect? Being clear of the objective will make building the business case much easier, and ensure stakeholder buy in.

2. Screen your candidates

From your pool of available Interim Managers identify those who have experience of the sort of problem you are trying to solve e.g. to lead a change or transition, to act as a bridge between permanents, or to get a failing project back on track. If you need him to help implement a new system, you will need someone who has successfully implemented something similar in another organisation. For a business transformation look for someone well-versed in similar change programmes.

3. Recruit

You can try to find someone from your own network, or scour linked in or you can use a specialist agency. But now you can use a new matching platform which will point suitably qualified Interim Managers to you, without the recruitment fees charged by executive search firms.

4. Agree the mission, and success criteria.

You should be very clear what the issue to be solved and your expectations for a successful outcome are. Agree these with your Interim Manager set them out in a record document.

5. Tell your employees

An Interim manager has a tough time integrating within an organisation quickly. He will be experience enough to do this, but make it easier by explaining clearly to your employees why the interim has been hired and the outcomes he has been brought in to deliver.

6. Make it work

  • Make sure the organisation is ready for the interim to start and be productive from the moment he walks through the front door. He will need a place to work and necessary information.
  • Set realistic timescales.
  • Like any project, manage progress, milestones and output.
  • Make sure there is exit plan which allows the IM to leave behind a legacy your team can build on.

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