
How Interim Managers do what they do by in Article 2020-09-03 17:01:54

Here is some insight into how an Interim Manager operates provided by

Temporary Interim Management assignments vary in duration, scope, and requirements. However, there are a number of phases that are typical for how interim managers carry out their work. The first stage starts with the interim executives acting as consultants. They prepare themselves for the implementation and change phases.

Phase 1: Introduction and entrance

When an organisation in trouble decides to get the help of an interim manager, the process starts. The first thing a company does when contacting different interim managers is looking at which candidates are suitable for the challenge. If they find the right candidate, the first phase officially starts with a couple of meetings, resulting in a preliminary hiring of the interim executive.

Phase 2: Diagnosis

The hired interim manager investigates the situation, the problem, and the organisation. He establishes how the situation evolved, who the stakeholders are, and other relevant aspects. During this phase, they develop a more detailed understanding of what is going on. The diagnostic phase takes up to a week.

Phase 3: Proposal

After making the diagnosis, the interim manager starts working on a detailed proposal that includes objectives and milestones along the way. The proposal is presented to the stakeholders, who then make a decision. If the proposal differs significantly from the vision held by the stakeholders, the interim manager will have to tweak it. Another option is for the company to go with a different expert.

Phase 4: Implementation

If they approve the proposal, the interim manager is given the green light to implement the changes. The interim manager manages the project, monitors progress, and regularly organises feedback and evaluation meetings with the company, their client.

Phase 5: Exit

When the interim project comes to an end, the objectives should have been met, and the client is hopefully satisfied. This phase is mostly about transferring knowledge and finding the right people to close knowledge and or skill gaps. It’s usually the end of the relationship between the company and the interim manager. Sometimes they continue to consult or stay on with the company for a follow-up assignment.

Janse, B. (2019). Interim Management. Retrieved 26 Aug 2020 from toolshero:

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