
Benefits for the Interim Manager

Graham Price by Graham Price in Article 2020-09-22 13:12:25

Interim management leads to meeting challenges, flexible working and hopefully financial freedom.


Some are Interim Managers as a career choice, others occupy Interim positions whilst looking for a new role. What they have in common is keeping sharp, exercising their brains and passing on insights from their own experiences and from the neutral viewpoint of an outsider. They love the challenge of solving clients’ problems, often gain an introduction to new industry as an added bonus.


As an Interim Manager you have flexibility to choose when and how you work. Contracts or assignments are well defined and with a finite duration. So an Interim Manager is free to move to another opportunity without embarrassment or letting down a client. The Interim Manager may explore new work environments, polish management skills and build up their networks.


Be clear what freedoms you are after when negotiating terms. Interim Managers have choices. The degree to which and Interim manager becomes embedded in the Client organisation should be pre planned, the role is for a limited time and normally to hand over to a full time incumbent. Some Interim Managers will transition to a full time employee.

It is important to delegate responsibilities, and choose how much time and in what proportion, should be spent on client relationships, attending events, brand building and daily tasks leaving time to enjoy your life outside work.

End note

There are many reasons for becoming an Interim Manager: a positive career choice or semi-retired and continuing in the world of work but without long term commitments. The fun comes from meeting the challenges, working with new people and gaining more experience. Interim Managers enjoy challenges, flexibility and freedom.

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